Chris Bohjalian’s First Play, “Wingspan,” is now available as an audiobook or ebook!



The “Wingspan” Story:

A young flight attendant with a fear of flying is about to work her first transatlantic trip. When a veteran co-worker tries to help her through the turbulent crossing, she discovers that a fear of flying is the least of the young woman’s secrets.


It was originally produced as “Grounded” by Throughline Artists at the 59E59 in Manhattan and directed by Academy Award winner, Alexander Dinelaris.  It starred Grace Experience and K.K. Glick.

Interested in seeing the script and producing it? Want to learn more about Chris’s plays?

Contact Amy Wagner at Stewart Talent or call her at (314) 277-4776


"Playwright Bohjalian is masterful creator of dialogue and character. Both actresses delight in his lines, which offer suggestion and reversals over and over again."

Susan Hall
Berkshire Fine Arts

"Wonderfully compelling on both literal and metaphorical levels...Grace Experience delivers the acting grand finale of the night, actively working through her fears and sorrows without ever falling into the trap of indulging them."

Ken Kaissar
Theater Is Easy

"Bohjalian profits from his novelist impulse to slowly dole out information...emotionally compelling...a simple and hopeful horizon."

Hayley Levitt

"The #MeToo movement is given complete and at times gut-wrenching life...a complex picture of what it means to gain empowerment in a culture where consequences still loom fierce."

Ben Odom
Plays to See

"Bohjalian deftly mixes humor with a slowly revealed crisis of conscience...Grace Experience — Bohjalian’s daughter — and Glick played the roles on stage, and their familiarity with them translates to fine performances."

Alan Rosenberg
Providence Journal

"Bohjalian ably merges issues of age and gender and presents the abuse polemic in's a welcome change. Grace Experience is one of our finest young actresses."

Christopher Atamian
The Armenian Weekly